Des Grottes came to Beaujolais after finishing his business studies. He already had a son he wanted to raise in the countryside and felt no particular attachment to Paris, when his grandfather suggested he help him manage the Château de Lacarelle office." From the 8 hectares he farms, he plucks 50% to plant cereals and cover crops that contribute to the health and sustainability of the soil. It is a non-alcoholic beverage. Domaie des Grottes produces Gamay juice and grows most of the herbs (except ginger, which does not grow in the area). In total there are 15 herbs and they extract the aromas carefully, with different methods adapted to each one. They mix the juice and tea, add a little apple juice, carbonate and pasteurize the drink. There are no additives.
Juice and tisane /. Pasteurized and carbonated : ALCOHOL FREE. We produce the juice and most of the herbs (except ginger, which does not grow here). There are 15 herbs together and we extract the aromas carefully, with different methods adapted to each flower (for example, thyme is distilled to obtain the most subtle aromas). We mix the juice and tea and send it to our partner, who adds a little apple juice, then carbonates the juice and pasteurizes it for preservation. There are no additives. L'antidote is a refreshment for everyone. You can drink it with your children, AA friends and pregnant women. We are very happy to offer you this non boring option - soft drink since 2016.