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  7. Zubrowka Bison Grass 100cl.

Zubrowka Bison Grass 100cl.


The original taste and quality of Żubrówka bison grass are appreciated not only in Poland, but all over the world. For more than 500 years in Podlasie, in the heart of the Bialowieza Forest, where bison, whose delicacy is bison grass, live, this prized plant, which gives Żubrówka its unique and characteristic taste, has been obtained. Also known as "sacred and fragrant herb", it gives off a rich, almondy aroma. Bison grass is harvested in June, around the full moon, and shipped to Bialystok, where it is macerated with hot water and then with fine brandy, using state-of-the-art technology. The resulting macerate is then transferred to oak barrels for 30 days and filtered, preserving its flavor and aroma. Finally, it is blended with the finest Polish brandy and water from deep wells - it takes at least 60 days to produce a bottle of Żubrówka Bison Grass!

Category: Canada, Vodka, Walkerville


Country>Poland, Type of liquor>Vodka, Region>Bialystok

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