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  7. Ancestral Atomica 75cl.

Ancestral Atomica 75cl.


In 2018 they also began to make white wine thanks to Andreu de ca s'Hermità allowing them to harvest young Giró Ros vines planted just five years ago at the crossroads between s'Alqueria, Mondragó and Portopetro. From there comes Atòmica, a long-standing single varietal, which this year has begun to be accompanied by the first experiences in the production of sparkling Ancestral, Pétillant and PetNat. "We are not tied to anything, ours is a wine in freedom," Negre points out. The only unchangeable rule is the use of native varieties. And although the first harvest was vinified in an 'orthodox' way, in the following ones they have advocated for the minimum intervention. "The natural way", Toni and Miquel assure.

Category: Cava, Spain, Balearic Islands, I saw of the Earth


Atòmic is a nuclear experience. Like the two families that compose it. Those of Toni Negre (Santa Maria, 1978) and Miquel Rigo (s'Alqueria Blanca, 1980), together with their partners Aina and Carme. The names of the four forge Atòmic. The acronym of Aina, Toni, Miquel and Carme. A family experience in which the children of both couples also participate, as theirs are the drawings that adorn the labels (each year a new one) of the 2017 vintage.

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