Wine Tasting Initiation (05/05/23)

Event type
The Liquor Store

We all want to enjoy a glass of wine and at The Liquor Store we have designed a unique experience to start exploring the world of wine tasting. The perfect environment for a tasting is a room illuminated with white light, without perfumes and on a white surface. Tasting involves a conscious analysis of what the senses show us. Enjoying, tasting and analyzing wine is not something only for sommeliers and experts... We can all enjoy doing it.

Introduction to WINE Tasting, Friday May 5th at The Liquor Store. €29,90. 18:00H
Five Wines : 2 Whites, 2 Reds, and 1 Rosé. All single grape with food pairings.

Carrer del Baró de Santa Maria del sepulcre 9A, Local 1

To book Call Us on +34 633 07 87 34

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